Hesburgh Libraries

Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges

The Hesburgh Libraries participate in reciprocal borrowing programs that provide current Notre Dame-affiliated users with in-person library borrowing privileges at participating institutions. Privileges vary by program and patron status; each participating university library has its own local policies.

Obtain a special borrowing card before traveling to other institutions. Show this card and your Notre Dame ID at the libraries you visit. They may also issue you another card for use at their library. You can get borrowing cards and information at the Circulation Desk in the Hesburgh Library. The Circulation Desk is open Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm when the library is open.

The Hesburgh Libraries participates in 3 reciprocal borrowing programs outlined below.

  1. Saint Mary's College and Bethel University Libraries: Current faculty, staff, and students with a valid campus ID from their institution have limited borrowing privileges and on-site access to collections. View details about loan periods.
  2. Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI): Notre Dame faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students are eligible for borrowing privileges and on-site access to collections at all ALI institutions.
  3. OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program: To promote and facilitate scholarly research and communication among members of their faculties, the university research libraries, ARL, of OCLC have established a program to provide broader access to scholarly materials. This agreement extends library privileges to faculty members of other research universities that are ARL members. Over 175 major research libraries in the United States and Canada participate in this program. Please check here, email Circulation Services, or call (574) 631-6679 to see if the institution you plan to visit participates in this program.

Instructions for Visitors from Participating Reciprocal Libraries:

You must first obtain an ALI/OCLC card from your home institution's library before you can get a borrower's card at Notre Dame. Saint Mary's College and Bethel University patrons must present their current campus ID. This card affirms your status at your home library.

  • Visit the Hesburgh Library Circulation Desk during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm) or email circ@nd.edu to request a Hesburgh Libraries application.
  • Present the ALI/OCLC card you obtained from your home institution's library, along with a picture ID with your current address.
  • You may then check out 3 books on your initial visit if you visit during regular business hours and have all the required paperwork.
  • You will receive an email verifying that your application has been accepted.
  • You must visit the Campus Card Office at 101 Grace Hall to pick up your library card.

Privileges at Notre Dame for ALI, OCLC, SMC, and BU Visitors

  1. Borrowing: 60 days
  2. Renewing: 1 renewal
  3. Limit on Number of Books: 25 books checked out at a time
  4. Recalling/Placing Holds on Notre Dame Materials: No recalls or holds on Hesburgh Libraries materials
  5. Borrowing Journals: No borrowing of journals, but can read in-house
  6. Using other Notre Dame Services: No use of ILL or Computer Cluster services
  7. Subject to Recall: All materials are subject to recall

Hesburgh Library Circulation Desk

1st Floor Hesburgh Library

(574) 631-6679

(574) 631-1800

Related Resources

284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Circulation Desk Phone (574) 631-6679

Security Monitors Phone (574) 631-6350


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Phone Number: (574) 631-6679