Hesburgh Libraries

Patricia Lawton 2021 Foik Award Winner

The 2021 Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award was awarded to Patricia Lawton, head of Digital Access, Projects and Outreach Services at the Hesburgh Libraries, for her outstanding professional contributions.

The Foik Award is given annually to a library faculty member who has contributed significantly to the Notre Dame community and the library profession through personal scholarship and substantive engagement in professional associations.

The following citation was shared as a part of Pat Lawton’s nomination.

Since joining the Hesburgh Libraries in 2009, Patricia Lawton has enhanced the University’s academic community through her teaching, research, and librarianship, advancing scholarship and the preservation of knowledge by significantly advancing users’ access to and understanding of digital libraries. As digital projects librarian for the Catholic Research Resources Alliance, she has overseen the development of the Catholic Portal and the Catholic Newspapers Program. These projects have benefited researchers of North American Catholicism by enabling the global sharing of rare and unique resources among libraries, seminaries, special collections, and archives.

The Hesburgh Libraries community is pleased to see Pat recognized for the notable contributions she has made to the Libraries, the University of Notre Dame, and the library profession over the past twelve years.

“Pat's contributions throughout her career have advanced the Hesburgh Libraries mission of connecting people to knowledge and have helped us embrace the promise of the digital age," said Diane Parr Walker, Edward H. Arnold University Librarian. “Her work with the Catholic Research Resources Alliance has increased the visibility of North American Catholicism research collections for Notre Dame as well as institutions across the country. We're proud of Pat and congratulate her on winning this year's Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award.”

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