Hesburgh Libraries

Pete Pietraszewski 2020 Foik Award Winner

The 2020 Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award was awarded to Pete Pietraszewski, Business Librarian at Hesburgh Libraries, for her outstanding professional contributions.

The Foik Award is given annually to a library faculty member who has contributed significantly to the Notre Dame community and the library profession through personal scholarship and involvement in professional associations.

The following citation was shared as a part of Pete Pietraszewski’s nomination, and the University will formally recognize awardees at the President’s Award dinner to be rescheduled in the fall.

Barbara “Pete” Pietraszewski, winner of the Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award for library faculty, was described by one of her many nominators as ‘a joy to work with and an invaluable colleague.’

A graduate of Notre Dame, she returned to the University in 2009 to join the Thomas Mahaffey, Jr. Business Library. In this capacity, she is instrumental in working with students and faculty regarding their specific research needs. Several of her nominators attested in particular to her facility in assisting students to utilize the Libraries’ vast network of data sources on behalf of particular projects, and of her tireless efforts to acquire needed resources for research. Additionally, she has integrated Library resources into countless classroom sessions across the undergraduate and graduate programs for the Mendoza College of Business.

The Hesburgh Libraries community is pleased to see Pete recognized for the notable contributions she has made to the Libraries, the University of Notre Dame, and the library profession over the past 11 years.

"Pete embodies the Hesburgh Libraries' commitment to service excellence and campus partnerships in fulfillment of our mission of Connecting People to Knowledge," said Diane Parr Walker, Edward H. Arnold University Librarian. "Her enthusiastic, long-standing partnership with the Mendoza College of Business is a model for library faculty collaboration in the service of teaching and research. We're proud of Pete and congratulate her on winning this year's Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award."

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