Hesburgh Libraries

Marsha Stevenson 2016 Foik Award Winner

This year’s winner of the Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award for library faculty has made many significant contributions to the Notre Dame community over the past 26 years. During that time, she has headed two Hesburgh Library departments, Reference and Arts, Architecture, and Media. Faculty laud her as a dedicated collaborator and effective advocate when it comes to their scholarship as well as a generous and patient educator who offers course-related instructional sessions on using library resources and tools for research. One of the library’s liaisons to the residence halls, she has conducted numerous workshops on topics such as image use and copyright for students and colleagues. In her current roles as the subject specialist in art, art history, and design and the visual arts librarian, she is engaged in research on the history of the Congregation of Holy Cross at the church of Santa Brigida in Rome. She also continues to build a unique collection of printed materials chronicling the stories of hundreds of Roman churches, with her careful work on the ground in Rome leading to the acquisition of thousands of parish histories, pamphlets, and infrequently held books.

The University of Notre Dame is proud to present the 2015 Rev. Paul. J. Foik, C.S.C., Award to Marsha Stevenson, Visual Arts Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries

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