Hesburgh Libraries

Marina B. Smyth 2010 Foik Award Winner

An accomplished librarian and an internationally recognized scholar in her own right, the 2010 Foik Award winner has been a role model who has inspired young people to pursue careers in librarianship. During the 25 years that she has been at Notre Dame, she has developed a special collection of extraordinary depth and breadth.

Her service as a librarian and her contributions as a scholar have been praised by members of the Notre Dame community and international scholars alike. Her substantial scholarly work ranges from a monograph on perceptions of the universe in seventh-century Ireland and a translation of the Book of the Order of Creatures (Liber de Ordine Creaturarum) to creating a widely respected database of medieval manuscript facsimiles. Nominated by numerous faculty members, she has been an active participant in Notre Dame’s Medieval Institute for two decades.

The University of Notre Dame is pleased to confer the Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award upon Marina B. Smyth.

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