Hesburgh Libraries

Eric Morgan 2005 Foik Award Winner

Eric Morgan, head of the University Libraries' Digital Access and Information Architecture Department (DAIAD), is the recipient of the 2005 Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award. The presentation was made at this year's President's Dinner on May 17th. The award is given annually in recognition of contributions by a library faculty member to library service, to the Notre Dame community, or to the library profession through personal scholarship or involvement in professional associations.

The citation reads as follows:

"This year's recipient of the Foik Award was chosen from a highly competitive pool of nominees. This librarian excels in three categories: scholarship, professional service and service to the library system at the University. More importantly the service this librarian provides to the entire Notre Dame community is truly outstanding, as communication is an integral part of his service. This is reflected in the five individual nominations this librarian received from different sectors of the University. Nationally know for applying technology to library services, his style is exemplified by his communication with the user. As on of the nominators remarked, this librarian, like a Wizard of Oz, pulled back a curtain for all of us to see the library. Because of his creation of the library web page, and particularly for his tireless efforts to elicit input form library users, while the web page was being created and modified, we honor Eric Lease Morgan.

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