Hesburgh Libraries

Lucy S. Payne 2001 Foik Award Winner

Lucy Salsbury Payne, research librarian in the Kresge Law Library, was named the 2001 recipient of the Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award at the President's Dinner on May 22. The award is given annually in recognition of significant contributions by a library faculty member to library service, to the Notre Dame community or to the library profession through personal scholarship or involvement in professional associations.

The citation reads:

The recipient of the Rev. Paul J. Foik Award is noted for her broad, balanced, and strong array of achievements that manifest an unwavering commitment to the spirit of Notre Dame and to the spirit of its Law School. She has been a dedicated and effective teacher of courses in Legal Research and Advanced Legal Research. Her publications have appeared in Notre Dame Law Review, Notre Dame Lawyer, and other professional journals. She has organized several exhibits at the Law School and has given numerous invited lectures to local and regional groups. And she has performed outstanding service both on committees within the Law School and through professional activities outside the University. During an era of change, her colleagues at the Law School rely on her to maintain the core of their value system, advance the pursuit of their shared professional goals, and remind them of what they aspire to be. Lucy Salsbury Payne.

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