Hesburgh Libraries

Katharina J. Blackstead 1999 Foik Award Winner

This year's Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award was presented to Katharina J. Blackstead, the Libraries' advancement officer and subject liaison for Russian and East European studies, at the Presidential Dinner on May 18, 1999. The award is given annually in recognition of significant contributions by a library faculty member to library service, to the Notre Dame community or to the library profession through personal scholarship or involvement in professional associations.

The citation reads:

After many years of service to the Notre Dame Libraries in the traditional library fields of technical services, reference and collection development, this committed librarian recognized the critical importance of creative fund raising and public relations. The ever-increasing number of endowment plaques adorning the Hesburgh Library concourse testify to her successful collaboration with University Development in winning the funds that make Library progress possible. Whether by her editorial work on library publications or by her willingness to take on very public activities calling for imagination and sensitivity, she continually seeks ways to make the Libraries' collections and services better known and appreciated. Her contributions extend to the equally critical task of building the Libraries' Russian and East European collections. An unwavering commitment to librarianship, an energetic and well-organized pursuit of goals, and a generous and cooperative spirit characterize the 1999 winner of the Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award, Katharina J. Blackstead.

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