Hesburgh Libraries

Stephen M. Hayes 1998 Foik Award Winner

This year's Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award was presented to Stephen M. Hayes, business services librarian, at the Presidential Dinner on May 19, 1998. The award is given annually in recognition of significant contributions by a library faculty member to library service, to the Notre Dame community or to the library profession through personal scholarship or involvement in professional associations.

The citation reads:

Since 1974 this dedicated librarian has never settled in his quest to be a campus information leader. A superb and relentless reference librarian, a knowledgeable and articulate speaker, he has spoken on the local, state, and national level on issues such as: "Preparing for the Electronic Library," "Government Censorship," and "Public Access to Government Information." On campus, he alerts students, faculty, and administrators of the Library's potential to extend the student's educational experience by offering the skills needed for life-long learning. Boldly switching areas of expertise in mid-career, he is now leading Notre Dame's electronic library – the Business Information Center. A librarian, whose vision and voice are known on campus and across the nation, the 1998 winner of the Paul J. Foik Award, Stephen M. Hayes.

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