Hesburgh Libraries

Dwight B. King 1997 Foik Award Winner

At this year's Presidential Dinner on May 20, 1997, the Rev. Paul J. Foik, C.S.C., Award was presented to Dwight B. King Jr. of the Kresge Law Library. The award is given annually in recognition of significant contributions by a library faculty member to library service, to the Notre Dame community or to the library profession through personal scholarship or involvement in professional associations.

The citation reads:

This dedicated and resourceful research librarian has provided exceptional service to the Notre Dame community since arriving here 11 years ago. A superb teacher in both the classroom and the library, he exemplifies the finest qualities of professionalism. His deep commitment to service continually impresses all who seek his expert assistance. He has served as a mentor to countless students and is nationally recognized for his diligent efforts to attract minority students to the field of law librarianship. A winning rapport with faculty and students, thoughtful manner, and friendly wit identify the 1997 winner of the Paul J. Foik Award.

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