Hesburgh Libraries

Choose Privacy Series—Workshop: “Tor and Principles of Anonymous Web Browsing“

Thursday, April 26, 2018

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

The emergence of the modern information society and its increased emphasis on the collection, use, and storage of personal data has enabled the growth of surveillance and the loss of privacy. Do you know who is monitoring your internet use? Do you know how to protect your privacy?

Choose Privacy promotes the importance of individual privacy rights and protecting privacy in society as a whole.

Event Overview

Who owns your browser? Who might be tracking your internet use? What browsing data can your ISP see and sell? Does Chrome's Incognito Mode actually do what you think it does?

Tim Burchfield, Digital Initiatives and Scholarship Library Assistant, will teach you key principles of anonymous web browsing for casual users and experts. It's not just what you're using, it's how you're using it.

Other Events in the Choose Privacy Series

March 23 — Movie, Pizza, & Discussion: "CITIZENFOUR"
April 11 — Brown Bag Lunch: “Social Cooling”
April 27 — Workshop: “Tor and Principles of Anonymous Web Browsing”
April 30 – May 2 — Privacy Week Pop Up Exhibits: Defend your Online Privacy

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