Hesburgh Libraries

Love Data Week 2020 — Data Haiku Contest

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Submission deadline: February 12 at Noon

Submission Form

2020 Data Haiku Winners

Congratulations to our Data Haiku winners!
The following winners are in no particular order.

Title: Anticipation
Status wheel spins right
Churning through tables and rows
Waiting for answers
Author: Alison Lanski, Institutional Research

No Title
Data is messy
Sometimes it overwhelms you
But then, so is life
Author: Tiffany Gillaspy, Hesburgh Libraries

Title: Loser's Lament
Hit save often, yo!
Her words come back to me now
As I sit, weeping
Author: Daniel Fahey, Keough School of Global Affairs


Title: Versioning
today I regret
my file naming convention
Author: Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon, Hesburgh Libraries

Title: DMP
Where is my data?!
So many copies to search.
Should have made a plan…
Author: Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon, Hesburgh Libraries

Title: Outlier
Am I meaningful?
Have I been misunderstood?
See Supplemental.
Author: Heather Buelow, Biological Sciences

No Title
Spurious data
Manipulating masses
Betrayed by the screen
Author: Prasheel Vartak, Graduate Student, Business

No Title
Mean Median Mode
All are found at the center
Data has a point
Author: Morgan Delp, Graduate Student, Business

Title: Anonymous
Faceless data points
Hidden behind statistics
Seeking widespread change
Author: Ashley Presley, Undergraduate Student

Title: Data Is...
Garbage out you say.
Clean before you enter in.
That will save the day!
Author: Cheryl Schlimpert, Stewardship and Donor Relations

Overview of Love Data Week

Love Data Week is dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of research data management, sharing, preservation, and reuse. If you care about research, professional, community, and personal data, please join us!

Data Haiku Contest

Write a haiku about data! Your haiku must be related to data in some way (e.g., research data management, processing, sharing, preservation, reuse, etc.).

The contest is open to current Notre Dame students and University employees. And you may submit more than one entry. Submissions are due by noon on February 12.

What is a haiku?
Haikus have a rigid structure of 17 syllables divided across 3 lines. The first line should have 5 syllables, the second line should have 7 syllables, and the third line should have 5 syllables. Haikus do not need to rhyme.

Haiku Example
Title: Preprocessing
Cleaning, reducing
and ignoring outliers.
Only one case left.
Author: Arnon Hershkovitz, Israel

3 winners will receive an "I Love Data" coffee mug. Winners will be notified via email on February 12.

Julie Vecchio, Assistant Director, Navari Family CDS
Mandy Havert, Digital Research and Outreach Librarian
Matthew Sisk, GIS Librarian, Navari Family CDS
Mikala Narlock, Digital Collections Librarian
Natalie Meyers, E-Research Librarian, Navari Family CDS

Other Love Data Week Activities

Both activities are drop-in and run concurrently.

Citizen Science: Lead Exposure
Room 246, Noon – 3:00pm
Explore historical data to identify areas of lead exposure in South Bend.

Viz Lab Open House
Room 249, Noon – 3:00pm
Stop by the Visualization Lab in the CDS and try out the VR equipment.

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