East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) Studies
The East Asian Studies collection of the Hesburgh Libraries consists of resources in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English to serve the research needs of Notre Dame faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the humanities and social sciences.
The collection—which is not a stand-alone collection as are some other East Asian studies collections—is integrated into the main Hesburgh Library collection of books on China, Japan, and Korea. Materials can be found on the Lower Level for political science (JQ 1499-1799 call number range), the 8th Floor for literature (PL 501-3xxx call number range), and the 11th Floor (DS 701-9xx call number range) for history. Leisure reading materials for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean learners are shelved on the 1st Floor in the Non-English Leisure Reading Collection area. The Media Center on the Lower Level also holds a number of DVDs of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean films that are rarely available in the United States.
The librarian for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean studies, Hye-jin Juhn, provides research consultations to students and faculty in one-on-one, small group, or classroom settings. Her expertise includes finding and evaluating sources, narrowing a research question, structuring a literature review, and citation.
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
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